
Application engineering

Combining strategy, technology, automation and people

We bring apps that

Extensive IT solutions delivered by highly capable augmented software teams around the world.
Our teams know how to harness the power of data, artificial intelligence, modernising core, optimising and automating operations to achieve your business goals.

Our offerings

solution architechture and design

Encompassing the meticulous planning and conceptualization of comprehensive solutions tailored to address specific organizational needs. Our service involves crafting robust architectural frameworks that outline the structure, components, and interactions of the proposed solution.

Bespoke software development

Entail the meticulous process of creating tailored software solutions that are specifically designed to address the unique needs and challenges of individual businesses. Unlike off-the-shelf software, bespoke solutions are custom-built from the ground up, allowing for a highly personalized approach that precisely aligns with the organization’s objectives, workflows, and requirements.

Application modernisation

Modernization evitalizes legacy systems, enhancing performance and competitiveness. Our approach leverages cloud computing, microservices, and containerization for improved scalability, agility, and security. Trust our experienced team to guide you through the modernization journey from assessment to optimization.

platform engineering

Utilize cutting-edge technologies and best practices to create flexible and efficient platforms that empower organizations to innovate and grow. From initial concept to implementation and maintenance, we provide comprehensive platform engineering services to drive success in today’s dynamic digital landscape.

Low code no code application development

Empowering businesses with rapid application development using low code and no code platforms. Our approach enables faster time-to-market and greater agility, allowing organizations to innovate without extensive coding knowledge. Trust our experienced team to deliver customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements, driving efficiency and productivity.

DevOps transformation

Facilitating seamless collaboration between development and operations teams, our DevOps transformation services streamline the software delivery process. By automating workflows, implementing continuous integration and delivery pipelines, and fostering a culture of collaboration, we help organizations achieve faster time-to-market, higher quality releases, and improved overall efficiency.

Mobile application development

Harnessing the power of mobile technology to enhance customer engagement and drive business growth. Our mobile application development services encompass native and cross-platform development, ensuring optimal performance across various devices and operating systems. From concept to launch, we deliver innovative mobile solutions that meet the evolving needs of your audience.

COTS implementation and integration

Efficiently implement and integrate commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions to streamline business processes and drive growth. Our experienced team provides comprehensive support throughout the implementation process, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems and maximum return on investment. Trust us to tailor COTS solutions to your specific needs, optimizing efficiency and scalability.

Study case


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Cloth tryon: Try cloth virtually to see it fit perfectly your body

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Resume parser: Extract skills, profile info from PDF resume

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Cloth tryon: Try cloth virtually to see it fit perfectly your body

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Resume parser: Extract skills, profile info from PDF resume

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Slide 1

Cloth tryon: Try cloth virtually to see it fit perfectly your body

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Resume parser: Extract skills, profile info from PDF resume

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Readiness Assessments

Cloud assessment

Analyse your cloud environment to identify optimisation opportunities, cost-saving measures and potential security risks.

Data services

Assess your data management practices ensuring data integrity, security and efficient utilisation.


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